Viraj Konthasinghe
2 min readMar 23, 2020

Best of the Best explanation

I told you to expose Why we need API concept, What are the benefits and actual usage.

So let me tell you what I got

When we think about advantages of having API, First I will list down the boring stuff, Then the interesting part and what understandable explanation using examples…

  • Re-usability
  • usage of global development.
  • language independent
  • easy to use
  • able to getting help for functional parts from development world.
  • able to give help as well
  • more organizable when use API
  • able to apply same API for different platforms
  • able to use what you need and hard to code with less human resources.
Figure 1.1 - usage of an API

Did you get any shit ?

I don’t think so, So that’s why I am going to explain em :3

let me take a simple example… Think about the most wanted Social media solution right now… It is Facebook right ?

When we think about Facebook platform mainly Facebook has Web Site, then Mobile application and it’s lite version, as well as you can chat using messenger…

Have you ever thought how they gonna implement those Applications. Did they implement separate functions for every application?

No, Its all about API. this is the benefit of having API and that’s the beauty of it.

So let me explain how they do.

They only got one data resource, may be they got many servers to handle, but altogether those act like one single data resource, So that's why when you log in from different applications, same data gonna render without any issue with platform independent.

How they communicate with different platforms with one implementation, that's why API come in to action. APIs gonna communicate with those implementations and make all the applications live.

The Facebook Developers only implement the API Service they want for every single platform/ Application. So they can use the same API for every platform simply….

What an API does , I already mentioned in the previous blog, So now you have clear idea about an API, So you can try out an example ,

my batch mate developed an application for give all corona details using an API provided by Sri Lankan Government Health unit, So I ll share those resources with you… You can study them and you will be able to get clear idea about this awesome thing… Good luck and Happy Coding 😎😊

Web Application which has used API - betterlk.com

provided API- hpb.health.gov.lk/en/api-documentation



Viraj Konthasinghe

💻 Software Engineer @Wiley 💻 Former Intern SE @Informatics.🎓 Completed degree specialized in SE @SLIIT. ▶️YouTuber @GGProgramming. 🌐www.virajtk.me